Bonnie Wilkins, QMP 25

Bonnie Wilkins's approach to monotype print is unique and inspirational.  Her work has a timeless quality that embodies a joyful calmness and meditative stillness. 

Bonnie says about her work- "The appeal of making monotypes is, for me, the joy of being surprised and delighted by the intricate complexity and beauty that shows up as a result of layered process." 

"The collage aspect of the work gave me the opportunity to indulge my love for the “treasure hunt.”  I was always seeking the exquisite fallen leaf, or the beautiful accident on a piece of my disassembled monotypes."  Below is Bonnie's pieced monotype, "Pastorale", 30 x 31 in.

"Pastorale"  monotype by Bonnie Wilkins


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