
Showing posts with the label Eve

Eve Modeling Ready to Wear, "The Garden Collection"

  "Every myth has a mother, some more stylish than others...  Hebraic myth doth suggest that Eve dressed better than the rest." Welcome to the runway!  The first two weekends in December, 2-3 & 9-10, Goddess Eve will be modeling Ready to Wear, "The Garden Collection"! Step Out, Step Up, YOU CAN SEE THE SHOW!  Stop #5, Brian Fisher Studio, when Vashon Island Artists throw open doors, windows, yards and yardarms in welcome during the Vashon Island Art Holiday Studio Tour!!

Eve Modeling Ready-to-Wear: The Garden Collection

The wonderful people at Bainbridge Arts and Craft Galley are putting together another fine show!  I just returned from dropping off my own work and had the opportunity to see some of the exceptional images and objects all made in the name of Art Couture .  The opening is March 5th from 6-8 PM.  The show will be up through March 29th. Today I am posting Eve Modeling Ready-to-Wear: The Garden Collection . She along with Kali: Fashonable Diva were printed, painted and assembled for the Art Couture exhibit. After seeing “Eve” a friend suggested I had obviously been channeling my pink and green inner Barbie.  Well, it may be true.  And perhaps a little Barbarella, Pia Zadora, and my very own Aunt Eva.   Though "Eve" could not be Eve and certainly not haute Couture without her Snakey-Do. Eve Modeling Ready-to-Wear: The Garden Collection is a Monotype Print and Wood, Assemblage. 20.5”x 18”x 2” Photo by Charles Backus.